In partnership with Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Work/ Life explored equality and inclusivity around how people work and live in Moray, with a focus on occupational segregation and inclusive growth. Through a series of design-led interventions, our aim was to gain a more authentic and experiential understanding of the lived experience of working life in the region; insights from which were translated into knowledge artefacts – a collection of ethnographic photographs that embodied and inspired future opportunities for action, and which went on display at a public-facing exhibition in Forres.

Forres Heritage Trust Photographic Archive
Photograph from the Forres Heritage Trust Archive; Forres Gala Week in 1957. Photograph. Source: Daniele Sambo

This project provided HIE with strategic insight so to review the efficacy and applicability of their existing portfolio of products in this area. By visualising and bringing form to the person-centred, experiential insights and causal factors, we were able to identify more clearly and accurately the nature of future interventions aimed at ensuring greater and more equal participation so to stimulate social and economic activity across the region. We held a public-facing exhibition of the project findings at the Tolbooth in Forres, collaborating with the Forres Heritage Trust, and gifting them the visual assets for their photographic archive.

Learn more about this project here
Asset 2

Staff associated with the project

Asset 4