The Crossover Workshop was a collaboration between the In­novation School at The Glasgow School of Art (GSA) and the Bio­chemical Society to explore the potential for exchanges between design and biochemical sciences. It focused on sharing discipli­nary expertise and perspectives through a series of design activ­ities and provocative discussions in order to prompt opportunities for future collaborations.

A video and downloadable pdf capture the experiences and outcomes from bringing together eight biochemical scientists and eight designer/researchers to share their forms of practice and inquiry.

The video is accessible here, and the pdf is downloadable here.

Due to the positive responses from all involved, we are now working on a Glasgow-based transdisciplinary network bid to bring the different biomedical departments of Glasgow’s universities together with the Innovation School to develop a space for transdisciplinary collaborations.

For more information, please contact either Elio Caccavale – or Dr Michael Pierre Johnson

Keywords: transdisciplinary design; creative engagement; design for health; biomedical sciences

Learn more about this project here
Asset 2
Asset 4